Thursday, November 2, 2017

The Struggle of Honda by Soichiro Honda

The Value of life can be measure by how many times your soul has been deeply stirred.

Soichiro Honda was born in a small village in Japan in 1906 a son of a Black Smith who operates a small bicycle repair shop, during his young age Soichiro as a boy started helping his father at work and the bicycle parts had become his favorite toys developing its curiosity and interest in a machine. In his teenage years aging 15 he started to work, abandoning his education and parting his hometown to Tokyo, he got work in a small garage as an assistant during the day and work in other workshop at night were cars are being designed. Few years later he gained experience in garage deciding him to go back home to start his own garage workshop at 22. He started to produce piston rings for small engines by investing all of his time and money including his wife jewelries selling to add on their investments. Sooner Soichiro started his own design and sending to car manufacturer Toyota but it did not succeed. Soichiro did not give up and later doing design and started to create piston rings for Toyota.

During World War 2 Soichiro's Workshop Company has completely destroyed with all of his investments. Again he recreate and start his own factory to manufacturing his own motors but he has no money; he was forced to sell what was left of his company to Toyota. It was deep crisis in his life and in Japan during the War, he cannot even buy his own gasoline to fill for his transport. Because of this he started to use a small motor and attached it to his bicycle. He apply this idea in creating his own factory for small motorbike however he has no funds, to get money he sends letter to 18,000 bike owners in japan asking for funds for his project but only 3,000 bike owners contribute. His sales did not turn out to be a big success but later years he created a perfect motorbike.

During 1948 he founded his very own company the Honda Motor Company, with his journey and dream, failures in his business, he continue to stand up and offer all his efforts to create a perfect motorbike and developing other motor industries and vehicles. Soichiro's hardwork and determination made his company the second largest automobile manufacturer in Japan. "That is why I will keep striving for some type of goal at until I die, One must Keep Chasing his Dreams".

Reference: Soichiro Honda's Dream 1906 - 1991

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